Are Kiwis a Citrus Fruit? Unveiling the Truth



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Are Kiwis a Citrus Fruit

Are kiwis a citrus fruit? Do you ever wonder if kiwis are a type of citrus fruit? Many people think so, but there’s more to the story. In this article, we’ll explore what makes a citrus fruit and whether or not a kiwi fits that description.

Key Takeaways

  • Kiwi Fruit is not technically a citrus fruit but is considered part of the citrus family due to its acidity and high vitamin C content.
  • Kiwis share similarities with citrus fruits in their acidic nature, vitamin C content, and some health benefits.
  • Kiwis provide about 64% of the recommended daily intake (RDI) of vitamin C and are also a good source of vitamin A, potassium, fiber, and folate.
  • Kiwis can be used in various culinary applications, adding flavor, sweetness, and aesthetic appeal to dishes and drinks.

We’ll also uncover its unique taste profile and the many health benefits it has to offer. Finally, we’ll examine why some misconceptions about kiwis as citrus fruits exist and how to understand their true identity better.

Join us as we dive into the juicy details of this delicious topic!

What Are Citrus Fruits

Citrus fruits are a type of fruit known for their juicy and tart flavors. Examples include oranges, lemons, limes, grapefruits, tangerines, and kiwis. These fruits are rich in vitamin C, folate, potassium, calcium, magnesium, and dietary fiber.

Citrus fruits offer numerous health benefits. They can improve immune system function, aid digestion, and contribute to weight loss [1].

Definition of citrus fruits

You’d typically classify citrus fruits with acidic, juicy flesh and a thick rind. Citrus fruits are often thought of as oranges, lemons, and limes. Is kiwi citrus? Kiwi is also considered part of the citrus family due to its acidity and Vitamin C content, but it is not a citrus fruit.

Kiwi’s small size and fuzzy exterior distinguish it from other citrus fruits. It has a tart flavor that is unique compared to orange or lemon. Additionally, kiwis contain more Vitamin C than oranges or lemons.

Overall, kiwis are an excellent addition to the world of citrus fruits.

Various Citrus Fruits

To better understand the differences between kiwis and citrus fruits, let’s compare them side by side in a table:

KiwisCitrus Fruits
Botanical Family: ActinidiaceaeBotanical Family: Rutaceae
Origin: China and New ZealandOrigin: Southeast Asia
Outer Appearance: Brown, fuzzy skinOuter Appearance: Smooth, colorful rind
Internal Structure: Green flesh with seedsInternal Structure: Segmented juicy pulp
Flavor Profile: Tangy, sweetFlavor Profile: Sour to sweet

Examples of citrus fruits

Many acidic, juicy fruits are classified as citrus fruits, such as oranges, lemons, limes, and even a small fuzzy one – the kiwi.

Here’s a look at some of the most common citrus fruits:

  • Kiwi: This green-fleshed fruit has brown skin with tiny hairs on it. It is sweet and tart in flavor and can be eaten raw or used in baking.
  • Lime: This small citrus fruit is lime green and has a sour flavor. It is often used to add flavor to drinks or dishes.
  • Grapefruit: This large yellowish-pink citrus fruit has a slightly bitter taste and can be eaten raw or juiced for its flavorful juice.
  • Mandarin: These small orange-colored fruits have thin skin and sweet flesh that can be eaten out of hand or added to salads for extra flavor.

Citrus fruits are popular because they provide a unique combination of flavors that range from sweet to tart, making them perfect for adding zest to any dish!

Characteristics of citrus fruits

You’ll find that many juicy, acidic fruits are packed with unique flavors and beneficial nutrients such as Vitamin C.

Citrus fruits like lemons, oranges, grapefruits, and limes qualify as citrus fruits.

Kiwis are often referred to as a citrus fruit because they have a high citric acid content similar to other citrus fruits. But while kiwis are considered a subtropical fruit, they don’t belong to the same family as actual citrus fruits.

However, kiwis do share some similarities in terms of their vitamin C content and acidic nature. So, while it’s not exactly an actual citrus fruit – it does still provide some of the benefits associated with them!

Nutritional value of citrus fruits

Citric acid and vitamin C are abundant in many types of acidic fruits, making them an excellent source of nutrition. Kiwis, for example, are an acidic fruit that is an excellent source of these essential vitamins [2].

  • Vitamin C: One kiwi provides about 64% of the recommended daily intake (RDI) for this vital nutrient.
  • Vitamin A: Kiwis have around 8% RDI per piece.
  • Potassium: Eating one kiwi will give you 5% RDI of potassium.
  • Fiber: 4 grams per serving gives you 16% RDI.
  • Folate: Just one kiwi can provide 7% RDI.

Kiwis may not be citrus fruits, but they still offer numerous nutritional benefits similar to those found in citrus fruits like oranges and lemons. They’re a great way to get your daily essential nutrients and vitamins!

Health benefits of citrus fruits

Eating acidic fruits like citrus can provide you with several health benefits. These include improved digestion, reduced risk of certain diseases, and enhanced immunity.

While kiwi fruit is not a citrus fruit, it still has many of the same benefits as other citrus fruits.

Kiwis are rich in antioxidants that help protect your cells from damage. They also contain large amounts of fiber and Vitamin C, aiding digestion and reducing inflammation.

Additionally, kiwis contain potassium and magnesium, essential minerals for heart health.

Eating kiwis regularly can help reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and other illnesses related to poor nutrition. Even though kiwi is not a citrus fruit, it still provides numerous health benefits that make it an excellent addition to anyone’s diet [3].

Kiwi Fruit on a vine

Are kiwis considered citrus fruits

Kiwis, also known as Chinese gooseberries, are a sweet and tangy fruit native to China. They may be mistaken for citrus fruits due to their tart taste and acidic nature, but they are considered berries [4].

The significant differences between kiwis and citrus fruits include the size of the fruit (kiwis are much smaller), the texture of the skin (the fuzzy exterior of kiwi vs. the smooth peel of most citrus), and the lack of segments in kiwi flesh compared to oranges or grapefruits.

On the other hand, kiwis and citrus fruits contain Vitamin C, have a tart flavor, and can be used in many recipes- from jams to juices.

Explanation of the kiwi fruit

You’ll find that the kiwi fruit has a unique flavor and texture. It is an oval-shaped berry with fuzzy brownish-green skin and bright green flesh.

Kiwis are part of the genus Actinidia, which is part of the family Rutaceae, and traditionally were called Chinese Gooseberries. While it is not classified as citrus, many still consider them to be because of their sour flavor.

Popular kiwi fruit varieties available locally include the delicious Zespri Organic Golden Kiwis and the original Zespri Organic Green Kiwis, available online and from your favorite local produce store.

Here’s a quick overview of what you need to know about this delightful fruit:

  • The skin can be eaten, but it tastes tart
  • The flesh is sweet and juicy
  • It contains significant amounts of vitamin C
  • It can be eaten whole or prepared in various recipes
  • Its seeds are edible

Differences between kiwis and citrus fruits

Compared to other fruits, kiwis have a unique flavor and texture that sets them apart. While citrus fruits like oranges are juicy and tart, kiwis have a creamy texture and sweet-tart flavor.

Additionally, kiwis are small and oblong, unlike citrus fruits, which are typically round or oval in shape. Unlike the bright orange color of an orange or lemon peel, the outer skin of the kiwi is brown and fuzzy, like a berry.

As such, many people prefer to add kiwis to their fruit salads instead of citrus fruits for added variety in taste and texture.

Nutritionally, kiwis differ from citrus fruits as they contain more vitamin C than lemons or oranges while providing other beneficial vitamins and minerals such as potassium.

Reasons why some people may mistake kiwis for citrus fruits

Due to their bright green color and oblong shape, some people may mistakenly think of kiwis as citrus fruits. Though both are edible fruits, several differences set them apart.

For instance, the texture of a kiwi is much softer than that of a citrus fruit; it doesn’t have the same tart flavor either. Furthermore, the peel of a kiwi can be eaten, while many citrus fruits require peeling before eating.

Finally, unlike most citrus fruits, kiwis contain more Vitamin C than oranges!

  • Kiwi: softer texture and no tart flavor
  • Citrus Fruits: Tart taste and need to be peeled before eating
  • Edible: Both are edible
  • Peel: Kiwi’s peel can be eaten
  • Vitamin C: Kiwis contain more Vitamin C than oranges

The classification of kiwi fruit

Now that you know why some people may think kiwi is a citrus fruit, let’s look at the classification of this popular fruit.

Kiwi is not a citrus fruit and belongs to its own genus. The scientific name for kiwi is Actinidia Deliciosa, and it originates from the family of Actinidiaceae, which includes many small vines and shrubs in Asia.

Unlike other citrus fruits, kiwis are not acidic but have a sweet flavor due to their fleshy texture. Even though they have similar features, such as having thin skin with edible seeds inside, they belong to different genera: Pomelo for citrus fruits and Actinidia for kiwis.

Similarities between kiwis and citrus fruits

You may have noticed that both kiwis and certain types of fruits have similarities.

Kiwifruit, also known as Chinese gooseberries, belong to the Actinidiaceae family and can be eaten raw or used in cooking. The two most popular Kiwi Fruit are the green and gold types.

Citric fruits like oranges, grapefruits, lemons, and limes contain citric acid, giving them a sour taste. Kiwis also contain citric acid, even though they don’t share the same sourness. Kiwis have more sugar than most other citrus fruits, making them sweet instead of tart.

Popular kiwi fruit varieties available locally include the delicious Zespri Organic Golden Kiwis and the original Zespri Organic Green Kiwis, available online and from your favorite local produce store.

Other similarities between kiwis and citrus fruit include:

  • Fuzzy skin
  • Juicy interior
  • Rich Vitamin C content
  • Can be eaten raw or cooked
  • Belong to the same family as citrons
Kiw Turkish Delight

What is the taste profile of kiwi fruit?

Kiwi fruit has a unique taste profile that differs from citrus fruits. It has a sweet and tangy flavor with hints of strawberry and pineapple. Its acidity level is higher than most citrus fruits but still provides a refreshingly tart finish.

Kiwi fruit can be used in cooking and baking to create delicious dishes. From stir-fries to smoothies and salads to desserts, kiwi fruit can be combined with other ingredients like citrus for an added flavor kick.

A popular Kiwi fruit cookbook I use is the Easy Kiwi Cookbook: 50 Delicious Kiwi Recipes, which has some delicious and interesting recipes.

Try out some recipes that incorporate both kiwi fruit and citrus fruits today!

Here is a table comparing the taste characteristics of oranges, lemons (representing true citrus fruits), and kiwis:

FruitSweetnessTanginessAromatic Notes

Flavor characteristics of kiwi fruit

The flavor of kiwi is often described as a mix of sweet strawberry and tart citrus. Kiwi belongs to the category of citrus fruits but is not considered an actual citrus fruit due to its unique taste profile. Other citrus fruits include oranges, lemons, limes, grapefruits, and tangerines.

Kiwis have a tropical sweetness that doesn’t taste like any other fruit. It’s also rich in vitamin C and has an acidity that helps balance its sweetness.

Kiwi Flavor Characteristics:

  • Sweetness like strawberries
  • Tartness from citric acid
  • Tropical flavor unlike any other fruit
  • Rich in Vitamin C
  • Acidic taste to balance out the sweetness

Comparison of the taste of kiwi fruit with citrus fruits

Comparing the taste of kiwi with other fruits in the citrus family, it’s got a unique flavor that differs from its relatives.

Kiwi is an exotic fruit that belongs to the Rutaceae family and is primarily known for its sweetness and tartness. It has a mild acidic taste that sets it apart from traditional citrus fruits like oranges and lemons, yet still provides a similar level of refreshment.

The texture of kiwi is also different compared to most citrus varieties, as it’s soft and creamy on the inside when ripe. Despite this, the distinctive flavor of kiwi makes it an attractive alternative to more classic citrus fruit choices.

The acidity level of kiwi fruit

Kiwi fruit has a mild acidity level, making it quite different from other fruits in the Rutaceae family. While citrus fruits like lemons and oranges tend to have high acidity levels, kiwi is much lower in comparison.

Kiwis are generally considered sweeter than citrus fruits, with an acid content of around 2-3%. This is significantly lower than a typical sweet orange with an acid content of 6-7%.

As a result, kiwi can be consumed without any sourness or bitterness that one may experience with other citrus family members.

Even though technically not classified as a true berry, kiwi does have characteristics similar to many other berries due to its low acidity level.

How kiwi fruit is used in cooking and baking

Due to its mild acidity and sweet taste, kiwi can be used in various culinary applications. From adding zing to salads and desserts to using it as a garnish or topping, the unique flavor of kiwi adds a special touch to any dish.

Kiwi is also an excellent addition to baked goods such as muffins, cakes, or cookies. Its natural enzyme helps keep baked goods fresh for longer on the shelf.

Additionally, many people use kiwi instead of other citrus fruits like lemon due to its softer flavor profile that still packs a punch.

Kiwi is the perfect ingredient for anyone looking to add something special and unique to their cooking and baking recipes!

Recipes that incorporate both kiwi fruit and citrus fruits

Combining kiwi and citrus fruits creates a delicious flavor in recipes, offering a unique blend of sweet and tart flavors. Kiwis have an intense flavor profile that pairs well with many other fruits, mainly citrus.

Combining these two fruit varieties is perfect for creating flavorful and nutritious dishes.

Not only do they provide a variety of vitamins and minerals, but their combination is exceptionally high in Vitamin C. Plus, kiwis grow best in hot climates, which makes them easy to find year-round for those looking to make recipes featuring this popular fruit pairing!

A popular Kiwi fruit cookbook I use is the Easy Kiwi Cookbook: 50 Delicious Kiwi Recipes, which has some delicious and exciting recipes.

Here are some suggestions for recipes incorporating both kiwi and citrus fruits:

  • Kiwi Fruit Citrus Muffins
  • Grilled Shrimp with Lemon and Kiwi Salsa
  • Citrus & Kiwi Salad
  • Blended Citrus & Kiwi Smoothie
  • Caribbean Chicken with Orange and kiwi Sauce
Various Fruit Smoothies

Understanding the health benefits of kiwi fruit

Kiwi fruit contains nutrients and benefits that can contribute to a healthy diet. It has more Vitamin C than most other citrus fruits, making it an excellent source of this vital vitamin.

Furthermore, kiwi fruit has antioxidant properties, which have been studied for their potential health benefits.

In addition to its nutritional content and antioxidant properties, kiwi fruit may also help reduce the risk of developing some diseases and even improve digestion.

Understanding kiwi fruit’s many nutritional and health benefits can help you make informed dietary choices that benefit your overall health.

Nutritional content of kiwi fruit

The nutrient content of kiwi fruit is high in specific vitamins and minerals. Kiwis are a great source of vitamins C and E and potassium.

They also contain dietary fiber and small amounts of calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium, zinc, folate, and manganese.

Here’s a summary of what’s inside each kiwi: [5]

  • Vitamin C: 64% Daily Value (DV)
  • Vitamin E: 10% DV
  • Potassium: 8% DV
  • Dietary Fiber: 4% DV
  • Calcium & Iron: 1-2% DV

Although many people think kiwi is a citrus fruit due to its tart taste from the hairy outside layer that covers it, it is not considered one since it grows on vines rather than trees like other citrus fruits.

All these nutrients make the kiwi an excellent choice for those who wish to maintain their health!

Vitamin C content in kiwi fruit compared to citrus fruits

You may have heard that kiwi is a citrus fruit but belongs to its own family. This is because kiwi grows in cooler climates than the citrus fruits we typically think of, like lemons and oranges.

There are many different species of kiwi, all of which come from the Actinidia genus. Although kiwis don’t belong to the same family as citrus fruits, they contain a lot of vitamin C! Some varieties contain even more vitamin C than lemons or oranges.

Antioxidant properties of kiwi fruit

Kiwi is packed with vitamin C and has powerful antioxidant properties!

Kiwi grows on woody vines that produce an edible fruit. Although kiwis are commonly mistaken for citrus fruits because of their tart flavor, they belong to the Actinidia genus, not the citrus genus. As such, kiwis are not technically classified as citrus fruits.

They were initially known as the Chinese gooseberry until 1950 when New Zealanders changed their name to ‘kiwifruit.’ Furthermore, some hybrid citrus fruits have been bred to include features of both kiwi and traditional citrus plants.

How kiwi fruit contributes to a healthy diet

Kiwi can contribute to a healthy diet due to its rich nutritional content. Kiwis are classified as citrus fruits, and like oranges, they contain a significant amount of vitamin C.

They also provide dietary fiber and potassium, making them an ideal choice for people who want to improve their overall health.

Kiwis’ high vitamin C content helps strengthen the immune system, while fiber helps with digestion and weight management. Additionally, kiwis offer essential minerals such as magnesium, calcium, iron and folate.

Kiwis are easy to incorporate into meals because they have a sweet taste that many find enjoyable. Although they do not taste precisely like oranges or other citrus fruits, they still belong to this category and provide similar benefits regarding nutrition.

Eating kiwi is an excellent way to get more vitamins and minerals without sacrificing flavor or texture.

Other potential health benefits of kiwi fruit

Enjoying kiwi can bring you various potential health benefits beyond just the vitamins and minerals it provides. Kiwis are also rich in antioxidants, such as vitamin C, carotenoids, and flavonoids, that help boost your immune system and ward off diseases.

Additionally, kiwis contain non-citrus sources of dietary fiber, which helps promote a healthy digestive system. Furthermore, they have high amounts of potassium, which aids in controlling blood pressure levels.

Kiwis have a high Vitamin C content and natural citric oil that helps strengthen your bones and teeth.

List of Health Benefits:

  • Rich in antioxidants
  • Non-citrus sources of dietary fiber
  • High amounts of potassium
  • High Vitamin C content
  • Natural citric oil
Pastry with Kiwi and Strawberry

Exploring the versatility of kiwi fruit

Kiwi fruit is a versatile and exotic ingredient in many dishes and beverages. From adding it as a garnish to incorporating it into fruit salads, kiwi fruit has a lot of culinary uses.

Keep in mind its shelf life when deciding how to use it; as an interesting fact, kiwi fruit can last up to three weeks if left unrefrigerated – though it’s best eaten within two days of being cut open!

There are lots more fascinating facts about this unique ingredient, so let’s explore the versatility of kiwi fruit further.

Uses of kiwi fruit in various dishes and beverages

Adding kiwi to salads, smoothies, and desserts can bring a delicious sweetness. Kiwi contains the perfect balance of tart and sweet flavors, making it an excellent addition to many dishes.

While citrus fruits grow in warm climates, green kiwi can thrive in cooler temperatures, making them widely available. While kiwis are not a part of the citrus fruit family, they still contain high citric acid content:

  • Kiwis are full of Vitamin C
  • They provide natural sweetness with no added sugar
  • Kiwis make great toppings for ice cream or oatmeal
  • Kiwifruit is often used as an ingredient in cocktails or juices
  • Mashed kiwifruit is used as a topping on some savory dishes

Adding these unique fruits to your meals will give you something special to look forward to every day!

I use the Easy Kiwi Cookbook: 50 Delicious Kiwi Recipes, which has some delicious and exciting recipes.

Kiwi fruit as a garnish

Moving on from the uses of kiwi fruit in various dishes and beverages, let’s talk about its use as a garnish. Kiwi can be used to make an aesthetic addition to many dishes and drinks thanks to its unique texture and vibrant color.

But what makes it different than other fruits? Is it a citrus fruit?

Dragon FruitNoYes
Blood OrangeYesNo

Unlike limes or blood oranges, kiwis are not considered citrus fruits, but they still offer great flavor and visual appeal when used as a garnish.

The combination of colors from the bright green skin and speckled black seeds creates an eye-catching effect that looks amazing when added to salads, smoothies, yogurt bowls, cocktails, etc.

So, consider adding kiwi for extra flair no matter what dish you serve!

Incorporating kiwi fruit into fruit salads

Try incorporating kiwi into your next fruit salad for a unique twist to make it stand out! Although not technically classified as a citrus fruit like oranges, limes, and lemons, Kiwi is an excellent addition to any fruit salad.

It has a sweet yet tart flavor similar to citrus fruits, and its green color adds a vibrant hue that other fruits can’t match.

Here are just some of the benefits of adding kiwi to your fruit salads:

  • A burst of Vitamin C – Kiwis are one of the most nutrient-dense fruits you can find! They are exceptionally high in Vitamin C and antioxidants.
  • Sweetness without added sugar – Unlike apples or bananas, kiwis don’t require additional sweetness because they contain natural sugars.
  • Unique texture – The flesh of kiwis offers an exciting texture compared to other fruits in the salad.
  • Versatility – With this unusual fruit, you have so much flexibility when creating your favorite combinations!

Incorporating kiwi into your next fruit salad will give it an unexpected twist while providing essential nutrients and unbeatable flavor.

The shelf life of kiwi fruit

Kiwi fruit has a relatively short shelf life, lasting up to two weeks in the fridge. However, you can extend their freshness with proper storage and handling techniques.

Kiwi is a citrus fruit that offers Vitamin C, dietary fiber, potassium and other essential vitamins and minerals. Its botanical name is Actinidia deliciosa, and it has an oval shape with fuzzy brown skin.

Rich in Vitamins & MineralsShort Shelf Life
Low in Calories & FatFuzzy Skin Requires Peeling
High in Dietary Fiber & PotassiumPotentially Bitter Taste

Other interesting facts about kiwi fruit

Did you know that kiwi fruits are berries? They may look like citrus fruits, but they’re entirely different. Kiwis come in many shapes and sizes; some have smooth, edible skin. They contain lots of Vitamin C, which helps keep our immune systems healthy.

Here are a few other interesting facts about the kiwi fruit:

  • Kiwis are low in calories but high in dietary fiber.
  • The seeds of the kiwi fruit are edible and add to its unique texture when eaten.
  • While most fruits lose their Vitamin C content over time, kiwi can maintain their Vitamin C content even after being stored for long periods.
  • Kiwis can also be used as natural sweeteners or added to desserts for an extra flavor!
  • Despite not being classified as a citrus fruit, kiwis still contain some citric acid, giving them their distinctive tangy taste.
Citrus fruits on a table

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) on Are Kiwis a Citrus Fruit?

I’m here to answer your questions about kiwis being citrus fruits. Let’s peel away the uncertainty.

Q: What Other Types of Fruits Are Related to Kiwis?

A: Kiwis have a unique taste compared to other fruits. They are related to gooseberries and other members of the Actinidiaceae family, such as Chinese gooseberry and hardy kiwi.

They also share similarities with melons, grapes, and berries. Enjoy their tart flavor in salads or smoothies!

Q: What Is the Best Way to Store Kiwi Fruit?

A: Store kiwi fruit in a cool, dark place. Wrap them up loosely in a paper bag to keep the moisture in, and check daily for ripeness. You can also refrigerate kiwis to last longer.

To get the most out of them, eat them right away when they’re at their peak – don’t let them hang around too long! A ripe kiwi is like a breath of fresh air – so enjoy it while it lasts!

Q: Are There Any Seasonal Variations in the Taste of Kiwi Fruit?

A: Yes! Depending on the season, Kiwi fruit can taste sweeter or tarter. Enjoy the different flavors throughout the year!

Q: Is It Safe to Eat the Skin of Kiwi Fruit?

A: Yes, eating the skin of kiwi fruit is safe! The skin adds an extra dose of fiber and antioxidants to your diet. Plus, it’s a great way to get the full flavor and texture of the fruit.

Q: Does the Ripeness of Kiwi Fruit Affect Its Nutritional Value?

A: Yes, the ripeness of kiwi fruit affects its nutritional value. Ripe kiwis have more vitamin C and sugar than unripe ones. Eat ripe kiwis for maximum health benefits and a delicious flavor!

Q: Is a kiwi a citrus fruit

A: No, kiwi is not a citrus fruit. While it may have a similar sour taste, kiwi belongs to the Actinidia family and is native to China. It is known for its vibrant green flesh and black seeds, making it a unique fruit with high nutritional value.

Kiwi Fruit cut open with vine leaves

Final Thoughts on if a Kiwi is a citrus fruit

Is kiwi a citrus fruit? Kiwi fruit isn’t considered a citrus fruit. While its flavor and texture are similar to other citrus fruits, kiwi is unique in its own right.

With its sweet yet tangy taste and numerous health benefits, it’s no wonder why so many people enjoy adding this tropical treat to their diets.

It’s safe to say that when it comes to kiwis and is kiwi a citrus, you don’t need to worry about them being ‘just another’ citrus fruit – they’re anything but! Go ahead and enjoy this amazing fruit.

Further Recommendations:

Video: 5 Great Health Benefits of Kiwi

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7 responses to “Are Kiwis a Citrus Fruit? Unveiling the Truth”

  1. Frant T Avatar
    Frant T

    Such a fan of kiwi and its health benefits. Glad to see it getting the attention it deserves. Definitely underrated as a superfood compared to citrus fruits.

  2. Tanya67 Avatar

    Interesting read on kiwi’s taste profile and how it compares to citrus. Always thought kiwi had a refreshing zing to it, similar but distinct from oranges or lemons.

  3. JennyB Avatar

    Love the idea of baking with kiwi. Never really thought to combine it with citrus in pastries. Must try some of these kiwi-citrus recipes.

  4. KiwiKing123 Avatar

    hold up, everyone knows kiwis got that unique taste but saying it’s not citrus coz of the classification? taste wise, it’s right up there with them. science aside, my tastebuds dont lie

  5. Hhealth_Nut Avatar

    I always thought kiwi was packed with more vitamin C than oranges. Interesting to see that it’s not only about the vitamin C but also the antioxidant properties. adds a lot to a diet.

  6. BLY Avatar

    To infinity and beyond with kiwi recipes eh? Gotta say, blending kiwi with citrus in a recipe sounds like launching flavor to outer space. Who knew fruit could be so adventurous.

    1. GGourmet Avatar

      Absolutely, the combination is out of this world! Kiwi really does add a stellar twist to any dish.

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