The Great Kiwi Debate: Should Kiwis Be Refrigerated?



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Should Kiwis Be Refrigerated

Kiwi fruits are one of the most delicious fruits around. With a sweet yet tangy flavor, kiwi can be enjoyed by everyone.

Kiwis are native to mainland China and Taiwan but are more commercially grown in New Zealand and California- hence the name- Kiwis!

Kiwis are a small fruit, but they are mighty. They pack a punch with their acidic flavor but are also incredibly rich in immune-supportive nutrients such as vitamins C, E, K, and folate

If you like purchasing kiwis to maintain a healthy, balanced diet, you must know how to store them. This guide will cover whether kiwis should be refrigerated, how to make them last longer, and how best to store them.

Read on to find out!

Is It OK To Refrigerate Kiwis?

The short answer is yes, it is okay to refrigerate kiwi fruit. Ripe kiwi fruits can last for up to 5 days when stored correctly, but you can extend this by placing them in the refrigerator.

Putting your kiwi fruit in the refrigerator can slow the ripening process, meaning you can keep them fresher for longer.

Kiwis are like other fruits, where they will continue to ripen sitting in the produce section of the grocery store, and when you take them home. If you leave them on the home counter, they will continue to ripen.

You do not have to refrigerate your kiwi fruits, but it does halt the ripening process and make it slower. This can ensure that your kiwi fruits have a longer shelf life than if you left them to ripen at room temperature. 

How Long Do Kiwis Last?

Most kiwi fruits will last for about 7 days in the refrigerator [1]. While you can keep them on the kitchen counter, especially if you plan to eat them sooner, they will last for around 2-3 days at most.

The skin can be durable, but it is not that thick, so warmer temperatures can break through the skin and speed up the ripening of the fruit inside.

This can also increase mold and bacteria growth, so the kiwi may go bad quicker than if kept in the refrigerator.

How To Tell If A Kiwi Is Ripe

If you are unsure if your kiwi fruit is ripe, we have a few tips for you. A ripe kiwi will be slightly soft, but only when gently squeezing it. It is likely overripe if it is very soft and feels like it could bruise easily.

An unripe kiwi fruit will be quite hard and firm to the touch. If you pick up a kiwi fruit and try to squeeze it, and it does not give at all, it is probably not ripe enough.

Wait a few days and try again before eating. 

Most kiwi fruit is harvested before ripe, as they tend to ripen quickly. This way, there is time for it to ripen by the time it gets to the grocery store and is purchased.

The kiwi will, therefore, ripen while it is transported from the harvesting facility to the supermarket.

Kiwis can also bruise easily when they are ripe, so they could get damaged on their journey to the grocery store, which is why they are harvested and transported while still hard and firm.

The same can be said for other similar items, such as avocados.

How To Speed Up The Ripening Process For Kiwis

How To Speed Up The Ripening Process For Kiwis

If you have bought some kiwis like the popular Zespri Organic Kiwis from the store, and you want to enjoy them sooner rather than later, then you can do something to speed up the ripening process.

Most people will place their kiwis and store them with fruits that produce ethylene to ripen them. 

These fruits can be bananas, pears, or apples, as the ethylene gas they emit can help ripen other fruits around them.

Either place your kiwis in a ventilated bag with these types of fruits to store them or add them to a fruit bowl with these fruits.

Be aware that ethylene-producing fruits can help ripen [2] other fruits very quickly, so you must check on your kiwi regularly to see if it is ripe enough to eat.

You do not want to leave the kiwis there for too long as they could become overripe, and you could shorten the shelf life.

However, this is a great way to speed up the process if you want to enjoy your kiwi fruits much quicker. 

How To Store Kiwis

If you have bought kiwis recently from the supermarket, you must know how to store them properly. How you store them depends on the level of ripeness and how soon you want to eat them.

Let’s say you want to eat the kiwis in a few days or over the space of a few days. You would be better off storing them in the refrigerator to slow the ripening process and keep them fresher for longer.

We recommend placing kiwis in a freezer bag inside the crisper compartment on your refrigerator. 

If you prefer to eat the kiwi instantly, store it on the kitchen counter or a similar surface at room temperature. You can make it ripen more quickly by storing it in a fruit bowl with ethylene-producing fruit or in a bag with these fruits.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

Should kiwis be refrigerated? In the past I have been asked many questions about Kiwifruit; here are some about storing kiwis and whether or not they should be refrigerated. Let’s dive right in!

Q: Should kiwi be refrigerated?

A: It is recommended to refrigerate kiwi after it has ripened. Refrigeration helps maintain the fruit’s freshness and extends its shelf life. However, if the kiwi is unripe, keeping it at room temperature until it ripens is best.

Q: What happens if I don’t refrigerate kiwis?

A: If kiwis are left at room temperature for an extended period, they will continue to ripen rapidly and may become overripe, mushy, and less flavorful. Refrigeration slows down their ripening process and helps maintain their texture and flavor.

Q: Can I freeze kiwis?

A: Absolutely! Kiwis can be frozen. Peel and slice them, then place the slices in an airtight container or freezer bag. Frozen kiwis can be a great smoothie addition or a tasty frozen fruit snack.

Q: Should I wash kiwis before storing them?

A: It’s generally recommended to wash kiwis just before consuming them rather than before storage. Washing kiwis before storage can increase moisture content and promote spoilage. However, if your kiwis are visibly dirty, you can gently rinse them and allow them to dry before refrigeration.

Q: Can I ripen kiwis in the refrigerator?

A: Kiwis do not ripen further once refrigerated. They should be fully ripe before being them in the fridge. If your kiwis are still unripe, you can leave them at room temperature until they reach the desired ripeness and then refrigerate them to maintain their freshness.

Refrigerating kiwis is a great way to ensure freshness and prolong shelf life. Following these storage tips, you can enjoy delicious and healthy kiwis whenever you crave them. Enjoy!

Final Thoughts – Should Kiwis be Refrigerated?

Do kiwis need to be refrigerated? We would argue that you should keep kiwis in the refrigerator. If you have bought a pack of six kiwis, the likelihood is that you are not going to eat them all at once.

So, to save them from becoming overripe too quickly, you can keep them fresh and extend the ripening process by storing them in the cool air of the refrigerator.

Further Recommendations:

Video: How to Store Kiwifruit

Reference List:

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